October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Learn the often-surprising risk factors that can cause breast cancer – and, importantly, how you can prevent you (and your daughter) from getting breast cancer.
Here are a few prevention tips:
- Hormonal Factors: Consult your physician to be aware if you are at greater risk due to prescriptions or stage of life.
- Diet and Lifestyle: Studies show that in populations that consume a high-fat diet, women are more likely to die of breast cancer than women in populations that consume a low-fat diet. It is not known if a diet low in fat will prevent breast cancer. Eating a diet rich in beta-carotenemay decrease the risk of breast cancer. Exercise, especially in young women, may decrease hormone levels and contribute to a decreased breast cancer risk. Breast feeding may also decrease a woman's risk of breast cancer. Postmenopausal weight gain, especially after natural menopause and/or after age 60, may increase breast cancer risk.
- Alcohol: Drinking alcohol may be linked to increased breast cancer risk. The more alcohol a woman drinks, the more the risk of breast cancer may increase, compared to a woman who drinks no alcohol. In addition, a diet rich in beta-carotene, folate, and vitamins A and C may reverse the higher risk of breast cancer linked to alcohol use.
- Radiation: Studies have shown that reducing the number of chest x-rays, especially at a young age, decreases the risk of breast cancer.
- Genetics: Women who inherit specific genes are at a greater risk for developing breast cancer. Research is underway to develop methods of identifying high-risk genes.
Arm Yourself against Breast Cancer, Be Aware, Do regular Self Examination at home. If over 40 then go for a regular screening. Madame Be- everyone you are in support of Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
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